
Gráll Foundation


Company charity is most likely the same age as the businesses themselves. The company has become a peculiar actor within its social environment since our most important partners come from this social environment; subcontractors, suppliers, competitors as well as the representatives of the local and the central government, and last but not least our employees. May anything happen in this environment, the company will feel the positive or negative impacts of that, therefore, every company is interested in supporting promising endeavors, treating problems, and influencing development processes. It is important that we are not only passive recipients or beneficiaries but also forming participants of the social fabric that makes our operation feasible.

The activity of the „Gráll” Social and Education Foundation is built on the responsible attitude displayed towards the employees of Grabarics Kft., and its primary goal is to provide assistance and support to employees when getting in difficult situations.

By means of the foundation we support the employees having suffered occupational accident or injury, and offer rehabilitation and renewed working opportunities for our disabled and retired workers. Should an employee’s status entail prolonged loss of income, we provide complementary aid to him, and if grave family events occur (urgent surgery, prolonged illness, fatality etc.) we mitigate the financial burdens of our employees.

We provide scholarships to the children of our staff members and offer support of similar kinds in their studies, and with the support of the foundation we also organize leisure activities, excursions, and support the education and development of our employees in detrimental situations.


„Gráll" Social and Education Foundation", seat: 2400 Dunaújváros, Október 23. tér 9. VIII. 1.