Our company has laid great emphasis on the satisfaction of Customers, therefore, we have made efforts to provide services above average in the field of warranty jobs, as well. Following the experience of many years and studying the practices of several leading firms in the building industry we launched our warranty management system on the Internet in August 2008, unique in the Hungarian construction market, through which we became able to provide services of higher standards to our partners in handling their warranty problems. Basically, our system can be divided into three separable but closely interlinked areas:
We have appointed a central warranty manager, his main tasks include keeping contact with our Customers for resolving their warranty problems, operation of our warranty system, follow-up of the handling of warranty claims, taking actions, keeping contact with the warranty project managers as well as detection of the reasons of warranty issues and the preparation of corporate regulations in this context.
In the case of a warranty issue, the involvement of individuals familiar with the details of the project is inevitable for the sake of quick and expert response, therefore, besides the central warranty leader a warranty project manager has been appointed for each project, mostly the former project manager or the former on-site engineer. Pursuant to our corporate rules, these individuals are obliged to lay special emphasis on warranty issues and even to give them priority against their tasks on their current projects.
We have set up from well-trained workers a „quick reaction” warranty team for the fast and expert handling of the most frequent and promptly reparable problems, who are controlled by a warranty supervisor with large practical experience. These professionals strive to remedy any problem within the shortest time possible, in a way agreed with the project managers, by means of a service van furnished with the required machines and tools.
The warranty team ensures that in urgent cases it is possible to start the elimination of problems on the site even within 24 hours following the request.
In the framework of the service, the system provides for simple data recording, fast information flow between the parties as well as for continuous log documentation of the handling of default notifications, and ensures through this the follow-up of the process for our Customers, Operators and – as a matter of course – also for the competent warranty managers of our company.
The warranty management website is accessible for entitled individuals via the link on the homepage of Grabarics Építőipari Kft. by entering the proper e-mail address and password. It can be ensured by using the Internet that we are informed on the problems indicated by our Customers within 12 hours, the latest, including weekends.
Benefits of the online warranty management system:
• timeliness:
by using the system everything will be visible from the moment of notification, including attached documents, to ensure the timeliness of the system
• full scope of information, traceability:
due to diary-like data recording the full chronology of each warranty problem and the actions taken for eliminating them are visible from notification till completion
• safe management within time limit:
the system follows the deadlines set for the phases of the warranty process in advance by the Parties and – in order to provide opportunity for immediate actions – sends automated message for our corporate management in the event, if any partial deadline of the warranty management process has been omitted
• information supply without delay:
each individual in contact with the process – designated in advance in the system – gets information any time automatically on the actual status of the case concerned as well as on the handling and documentation of the problem
• safety:
the online warranty system is a closed system, the information recorded in it is accessible only for individuals jointly designated by the Parties, and the recorded data cannot be amended afterwards by either of the Parties
Our Customers and Operators accessible via Internet have the possibility of reporting the defaults in relation with their own construction projects any time in the 24 hours of the day from anywhere, and they can see the actual status of the defects reported. The full management process of each notification becomes visible and can be documented in the system, and this facilitates the customer- and contractor-related activities during the whole warranty period.
The agreement for applying the system can be stipulated in our project contracts in order to ensure that the warranty management system functions smoothly from the beginning of the warranty period with the preconditions specified by the Parties.
The Users’ Manual available for the operation of the warranty management system as well as – upon request – training courses held by our skilled staff provide for the fast and effective learning of the functions of the system by our partners.