  • 2021. 12. 20
    Day of Grabarics Subcontractors
    For a long time past, Grabarics Constuction Ltd. has been committed for contributing to the development of the Hungarian market of construction and the safe implementation of build-ings. We attach importance to co-operating with partners that adhere to concepts of quality and reliability, like we do.
  • 2021. 12. 20
    Grabarics Reinforced Concrete
    In early 2022, Grabarics Reinforced Concrete (GRC) will celebrate the fifth anniversary of commencement of manufacturing. GRC gathered much professional experience during the past years. Based on the number and volume of the ongoing projects, we can refer to the rapid and unbroken trend of growth of the company's output that has successively imposed new challenges, as well.
  • 2021. 12. 20
    In the middle of Advent
    This unusual and irregularly difficult year is slowly approaching to its end. We think that we can look back upon the recent past months by taking delight in having accomplished a wor-thy and valuable period. The Grabarics Group has always attributed importance to the as-sumption of social responsibility.
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