  • 2020. 12. 22
    Determination, will, fire and commitment
    During the dual training of Grabarics Építőipari Kft., students can learn from the company's own engineers how to apply in the construction industry what they have heard at the university. That is, they can gain practical knowledge in a corporate setting.
  • 2020. 12. 22
    The first tower crane is already working in Visegrádi Street
    The construction of the technical headquarters complex of the National Media and Communications Authority marked another significant step in the second week of December, in the framework of which the second tower crane had been installed.
  • 2020. 12. 22
    We have the winners! - MagyarBrands 2020
    The MagyarBrands program has been evaluating Hungarian brands for 11 years in order to draw attention to the performance of the best.
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