  • 2019. 09. 20
    The Grabarics Vasbeton (Reinforced Concrete) relentlessly makes efforts to develop and to improve.
    The activities of the factory unit was substantially changed when the Grabarics Építőipari (Construction) Ltd acquired the reinforced concrete prefabricating plant of Heves. By now we became a determining player in the market, we are widely considered as promising partner.
  • 2019. 09. 20
    The initial efforts
    It is very important to us, that many university and college students participate in getting acquainted with our profession in the plant, thus facilitating the training of domestic experts for the construction industry. It is our open objective to persuade the most talented people that they plan their future at us and with us, but at least that they are well aware of the Grabarics Ltd, when they get their degrees at the university.
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